Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Media Evaluation

1.  In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and convention media products? In are film we have tired to establish a typical mafia convention by using dark lighting in are scenes for example the scene of Nick as the don you don’t really see his face and this is quite typical of a mafia film especially for the don. In are product we have not expanded or challenged any normal mafia convention apart from we have change the typical mafia heritage from being Italian to being English but we have tried to keep everything else the same so that to the viewer it quite clear that it’s a mafia film. The mise-en-sine we have tried to follow the normal convention by having the don and the same people bellow him like the solider and bodyguard. Also with Nick the Don having the large office and when filing the Don we showed his face in a dark light and his face is not very clear like they do in the godfather and dressed Nick was also dress in a suit with braces and sat behind a big desk to make him look more important and more Don like. The sound track we have used in the title sequence has a mafia feel to it and is also the soundtrack to the Mafia game. For the editing we put the title sequence in black and white to try and create a scary and mafia feel to the movie and establish the mood with the viewer so they know what to expect and that they understand that it’s a mafia film.         
2.    How does your media product represent particular social groups? Are media product represent a gangster and mafia social group, it is key we show this clearly as are film is based on mafia and gangster’s. In the film we try and show this by dressing the characters stereotypically for example we dressed me in the title sequence in a leather jacket to try and promote the gangster/mafia feel to the film. We also did this for Nick when he is in the office and the soldier James Shraga has come to pick up the contract, we show Nick leaning on the window with a low camera shot and Nick face is not very visible, this shows nick looks very powerful and in a position of authority, plus in the Godfather film you don’t get a very clear shot of the don’s face and gives an untrustworthy quality to the don and Nick, which makes Nick seem as if he has more power and more authority. The setting of are film has tried to be as mafia like as possible but this is quite hard as we have limited sources. I think are most mafia like shot is the one of Nick leaning against the class windows in his office which is large and he has a bodyguard this is all done to try and give the viewer the feel of mafia film and also to make it feel more realistic. We also represent a gangster social group in the title sequence and throughout the film by showing stereotypical activates for example the drug exchange in the title sequence is very stereotypical of gangsters and how they are into a deal drugs. We also show the person who collects the drugs is in a leather jacket to try and promote the gangster and mafia feel and appearance to the film. We also try to represent the high parts of the mafia for example when James Shraga comes to pick up the briefcase and the Bodyguard me, James Shraga and Nick Arbuckle are dressed in suit to try and show that we are high up in the mafia chain and we have authority.        
3.    What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why? Film4 I think would be a good film company to realise are film because it is an English film with English actors and directors and we would aim are film at an English audience this is why we have picked and English company to promote are film and also if we want to promote are film in America with an English distributor film does not have much of a chance but with and English all star cast and an English distributor company I think this will excel in the UK as it English mafia film. On the other hand film4 have not distrusted a film like this before this can be a good and bad thing. Bad because they may not want to take on the film as it may not sell and could ruin the name of film4. This also a good thing for film for because its gives them change to explore a new line of film to explore and promote and make the film4 name better and show class the fact they show a wide range of films. For the DVD to be sold in shops I think it would be good for it to be sold on line by amazon as it has a huge customer basic and is well know for it reliability. I also think it would be good for Tesco and Sainsbury’s to stoke the DVD as like amazon have a large customer basic and are well know and trusted.
4.    Who would be the audience for your media production? The audience that I think would view are media production would be mainly male due to its violence and it general male dominance in the film and this style of film is more often liked by males rather than females but there is always the expectation and some females may come and view the film. The age demographic that would come and view are film would be 18 and above to around the age of late twenties to early thirties. I think is would be the age group because any older and they are not a huge demographic that watches film’s of this kind and any form of film’s. Also any old and I think the film would be out of touch to the viewer a think the younger audience would prefer the film a lot more then the older generation, but the film age rating would be 18 and above due to it violence and drug related issues in the film. The country that we will realise the film in is England and may expand into the UK depending how well it does in England the reason we have realised it in England and England only is because the actors and production company is English and this may not be that welcomed in other countries like America for example. The locations where the films will play will be mainly in most London cinemas and other main cities round England. We may play the film in cinemas in more rural environment dependent on how well the film does in urban places.               
5.    How did you attract/address your audience?  The reason are film would attract to public is due to the story and its general mafia story line but the twist of that its an English mafia and its has English so it has the typical mafia story line but have the twist of it being English and therefor can relate to the English public and this will hopeful draw the public in. Also the fact the product and actors in the film are all English will attract the public and it will want to support an all-English film. This may crate a problem if we want to promote and show the film in other countries due to the fact they don’t know whom the actors are and they cannot relate to an English mafia. The promotion of the film will be key for who watches it and whom it interest and who comes to view the film. Due to the film being quite violent and having adult themes the adverts will have to be past the 9 o’clock watershed.
6.    What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?  The Software we have used in the making of are film are sony vages which is the editing programme, in this programme we cut unwanted scene and scenes the were to long to make sure are film matches up, flows and makes senses. We used blog spot to upload clips; sound tracks and information about are film for example the story line and information the film. We used youtube to get ideas for the film, we look at similar films with similar shots to get a rough idea how mafia film were filmed and what sort of lighting they used to try and make are film as realistic and mafia like as possible. From youtube we also got are soundtrack from there after hours of trailing through songs and songs we finally found one and then we posted it on are blog. The headwear we used was firstly the camera to shot are film, we got use to the zoom and the pan so we could incorporate these type of shots into the film. The tripod give us a huge help because it meant all are shot were still and flat rather than having to hold it in our hands and having a shaky shot. The computer made it very easy for us to upload videos and edit them and also meant we did not have keep the film on the camera and we had more space on it. The lighting we used once but them did not put this bit in are film. We used the lighting to create a gloomy effect, which it did but it was too dark.    
7.    Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? In comparison from my preliminary task it my final full product there is a large difference in contrast in shots, we try to use as many shots as we could in the preliminary task without over complicating it but for are final product we had to use a wide verity of shots but yet did not want to make film seem jumpy and skipping from shot to shot.   

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